Work with Us
- Our recruitment for high season starts in October. Follow our social media to receive applying instructions later.
- Are you outgoing, customer service and sales oriented, flexible and hard-working?
- Are you interested in nature, underwater world and a new cultures?
- Can you cope under pressure and take charge in unexpected situations?
- Are you motivated to work hard even if the days sometimes run late?

JOB position available
Interns with skills
Are you at least 20 years of age, outgoing, customer service oriented and easily adaptable person,who has motivation to work hard on long working days and studying hospitality or business? Are you interested in foreign cultures,nature and world under the surface? If you do have skills in Underwater photo and videos or social Media, we trained you for nearly free in exchange of your competency.
Dive Instructor
Have you already completed your PADI OWSI course and worked as a Dive instructor? Do you have experience from diving in tropics and underwater world feels like the office you want? Need Skills and strong personality to work in a busy and diffucult area ? We do have position for Spanish, German Speaking instructors. Take the challenge to work in one of the most beautifull island and dive destintation in the world.