Change of Career - ZERO TO HERO in KOMODO
Become a dive professional from Zero here in KOMODO !
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A New life and a new career in 60 Days!
– From ZERO To HERO program in 60 days! Please don’t do less than this !! –
We prepared for you a unique package that brings non-diver to professional scuba divers.
We offer with this program an extraordinary future life. Depending on your needs, we will train you to become an excellent divemaster or even consider continuing to be an instructor.
This change of career program is for anyone in need to become a PADI PRO without being certified. If you already get authorized, contact us to continue your education.
Get trained in one of the most beautiful diving destinations in the world. Komodo boats most of the world’s best biodiversity and dive sites.
MINIMUM AGE: 18 years old
MEDICAL STATEMENT: signed by physician with the mention “fit for diving”
DURATION: 60 days
As a professional diver, you must have your own equipment. For the Instructor Examination, you will need to have :
- Fins, mask and Snorkel
- Buoyancy Control Device ( BCD)
- Regulator Complete set with Gage 2 in 1
- Wetsuit
- Whistle & SMB
- Dive Computer
- Compass
- Knife or cutting tool
Zero to Hero
Padi Divemaster course-
PADI Open Water, Advanced , Rescue, EFR courses
PADI Certifications
15% on resto/bar at Dragon Dive
15% on equipment
Discount on room